Valuing digital marketplaces: demonstrating demand side resilience

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In the latest edition of our valuing digital marketplace videos, Isa Maidan discusses demand side resilience, and the key factors you can use to demonstrate the resilience of your marketplace.

How a business responds to the ups and downs of the broader economy can affect its valuation, and Isa highlights the critical elements private equity firms place the most emphasis on, including:

  1. Cyclicality of the end market
  2. Frequency of purchase
  3. Retention rates
  4. Scale

Video: demand side resilience

Isa Maidan, ECI

About the author

Isa Maidan

"I joined ECI’s Investment Team in 2018, having spent several years at KPMG corporate finance, including selling a business for ECI before I joined! As part of the Investment Team my role is to find and invest in high quality, growing businesses and the talented management teams that lead them."

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